Our location today is pretty, the Caribbean is beautiful, we are constantly surrounded by little islands that have little huts. I wonder what people do out here all day. I also try to think of these islands as each of them a little house and your boat is your car and you can travel from house to house by waterways. When we were out yesterday I ended up with all the boys in a snorkeling group. We approached an island and they started to try and retrieve coconuts. We all swam back to the boat with a coconut in hand. As we were getting onto the boat the salty dog quickly spotted us and scolded us for not paying for the coconuts. I didn’t know it was stealing, we took the coconuts back to the island, and left them on shore after all that hard work. I didn’t work hard I just watched. Tonight we will be on an island.
We start piling on to the small boat to be taken to the island for the night! Our salty dog skipper made many trips and took us to the island to have the bonfire. Some of the men and the Salty Dog went to collect firewood earlier on in the day. He said he would return at 10 to start the pick up. We could always swim back to the boat as well, it is only a couple lengths of a pool away, in the dark I’m not sure about it. The bonfire was a success, everyone’s drinking helped to entertain. We both have been sleeping on the upper deck, it’s far too hot and humid to sleep on the bunks provided. I woke up early this morning to find that we were moving locations. There hasn’t been any sailing yet just motoring around, I wonder if we will end up putting up the sails or if we will just stick to the engine.
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